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About Sugar Moon Hills

Family owned & operated business with Jon & Chris Knoll. The Knoll twins are no strangers to maple syrup production. They have collected sap for many years working with other producers as suppliers. Through it all, Jon said they had the goal of starting their own business, one that not only included wholesale syrup but included retail opportunities, education, and agricultural tourism. 

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From collecting sap for the past 10 years, the Knolls know the work involved in getting the trees tapped and the lines ready. Tapping trees is always a race as the weather starts to turn. Like many larger scale productions, they utilize a vacuum system that has lines strung from the trees to central collection points. While the suction helps production, gravity plays a major role in getting the sap from the smaller feeder lines into the larger collectors. In the 2020-2021 season they tapped 15,000 trees and produced 4,400 gallons of syrup! 

Looking to the future, Jon & Chris look forward to when they can have classrooms of children at the sugar shack to learn about how syrup is made. They are also looking forward to holding events at Sugar Moon Hills with bus loads of people from across the state.


"Looking to the future, Jon & Chris look forward to when they can have classrooms of children at the sugar shack to learn about how syrup is made."

Much of the syrup will be sold on the wholesale market to be blended and used as ingredients. Sugar Moon Hills will offer local retail sales of their syrup and Maple Butter which has their mom’s special ingredient in it, which Jon says tastes amazing. They will also be selling hats and sweatshirts with the Sugar Moon Hills Logo.


From the Knoll Family table to yours, we hope you enjoy this Wisconsin tradition as much as we do!

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